Thursday, October 12, 2006

Notable observations

Before noon, I had received 47 SPAM on an account that I typically receive 2 per day.

There was a veritable poop mine on the Curly Bridge today. I like to tell myself that I managed to avoid it all.

The shopping mall had a advertising nugget that assured me that people are the same everywhere. It read, "20% off all Birthday cards!! Hurry, before Christmas!" Erm. That was precisely the same sort of logic that convinced Americans to go to war with Iraq in order to thwart Bin Laden and to make us safe from future 9/11s. Never mind that Bin Laden was either hanging in Pakistan or Afghanistan. But yeah. People have striking similarities despite the different places they call home.

And forgive me political rant. It's my parrr-ty and I'll cry if I want to... ;)


rebekah said...

i would prefer you laugh but it is your party :)

i hope you recieve something cool.

Lever said...

Happy Birthday, my love.

Mind the dogs' eggs!

Oh, and what if your friends' birthdays are after Christmas... do you then not get a discount?

;) :p :*

Lever said...

Oh, babe, and some friends & bloggers send their greetings... xxx

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Rebekah: :D *smooch*

My Lever; *smooch and big wet smooch*

And thanks! :D