Friday, January 26, 2007

Refuse me anything?

I dare you!


rebekah said...

holy moley. i am going to die of the cuteness. the cuteness!!!!

i have a dress that looks exactly like that. :P

Anonymous said...

Uh, yeah... If Noel needs my PIN number, or anything else just let me know. Because, no, there's no possible way I could refuse.

Mummy/Crit said...

Yep. that is just too cute. Way too cute.

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

yeah, she got everything that she wanted for her, well not really. Just a birthday party at the local bowling lanes and a trip to the local chucky cheese-like place. :D But ut was *good*...(those pictures soon to come...)

Silly boy.....yeah u've always struck me as a pushov....I mean very sweet guy. :D ;) Just recently I was crooning over all your pre-wedding pictures and holidays with your new family. Oh, so very heart-warming...I'm very glad that you found the love of your life!

:D Aw thanks, Babe!