Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Breaking news

Rock on. The lil'un braved the hard concrete jungle of our neighborhood on only 2 wheels today, and without me to complete her balancing act. I am super proud *puffs self up* It appears it's time for a bike holiday...


Anonymous said...

That is great news!!! Congratulate her for me, please! That is so. freakin. awesome.

Lever said...

WooHoo :D

Didn't take long, did it? :)

And a cool pic too... looks like she's going fast... just gotta remember to a) watch where she's going and b) brake. Though not into our friend's car ;)

rebekah said...

now i'll tell you something, darlin', that's a feat that i never ever learned to pull off and when erik suggested getting bikes for the two of us, i said mine HAS to have training wheels. you might think i'm joking, alas, i am not. :: sigh :: i'll never be as cool as coco...

Mummy/Crit said...

Well done that girl! And she seems to be having a great time of it too.

Kat E said...

Wow, that is awesome!! I still can't believe she's big enough to do that, but alas, there's the photographic proof :)

Unknown said...

aww how darling and cute! yay to two wheels!

Jay said...

I actually think that the first 2-wheel bike ride is more seminal that even our learner's permit. There's just such accomplishment to it.