Thursday, November 08, 2007

The sweet moment

The sweet, sweet moment of finally being able to flush the toilet with a button after weeks of using a bucket....was lost so quickly when my glasses dropped from my face, bounced off my 5-year-old, and then straight into the bog....


Lever said...

Sweetheart, there's just one thing I have to say to that...



Oh, and luckily it wasn't "number 2s" either ;)

Lever said...

Oh, and lucky it wasn't your contacts either ;)

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

A.) yes VERY lucky...
B.) and when does that ever happen...oh right, twice last week, once the week before....etc...

Mummy/Crit said...

Oh bugger.

rebekah said...

:S urgh.

you know dude, everytime i have visited this page, it hasn't shown any updates, but today i happened to hit refresh and what happens: ive missed things.

i think my point is, i hate my work computer. email me soon!! we have business to talk about! namely, this fiancee thing i seem to be the last one to know about!!!!!!