Noel and Big Boy Bryant have been scheming for ages, planting ideas in
each of the respective Mom's minds that the other expects a visit to
happen (fortunately the babyschool teachers are informants to this
trickery). Anyways, a visit to Noel's house did happen one evening.
Now, I *know* that the lovely Noel quite fancies BBB, but as a sage
friend of mine once uttered: boys with exotic eating habits are
difficult to feed and hence, keep. And BBB is certainly picky as HELL.
Show me a kid who doesn't like pizza, huh? Well, this young
gentleman, even having had the privilege of being the toppings-picker,
STILL managed to consume only a single bite. (He specifically directed
that his pizza should have the cheese on top, with meatballs
underneath.) And TRUST me there's almost nothing that makes me feel
like more of an ass than sending a child back to their parents hungry.
[P.S. I deserve an extra gold star for this post...I mean *you* try
and compose sentences over the sounds of multiple, pounding,
his-and-her orgasms and see how far you get...
P.S.S. I deserve a bit of coddling tonight, so I appreciate any love
you have to give. BOTH people that I spoke with this evening fell
asleep while we were talking. That's right. Two for two. SNORING,
loudly. *sigh*]
6 years ago
You know BBB's fussiness reminds me of someone...night beofre last when D was complaining about the dinner I'd made, I asked him what he'd prefer. He came up with one meal option that he might consider eating some time...acually he came up with 2, but the first one was Kraft Easy Mac, and I pointed out to him that it isn't food. "Ah, yes" he remembered...drives me spare.
As for the noisy neighbours...a broom may come in handy...and it's very naughty for people to fall asleep while yo're on the phone with them. I'd never do that!!! ;-)
OK, one day I'm gonna call *you* at 2 in the morning, princess... if only you were here I wouldn't be so dog tired, especially after a blinding night out :)
Ah well, I bet the pizza was nice and brooms are cheap ;)
"boys with exotic eating habits are difficult to feed and hence, keep..."
Truer words have never been spoken... although I would avoid projecting grown-up relationship dynamics onto little Noel & BBB's interactions, if for no other reason than it would be troubling to think that preschool pizza night and wild his n' her orgasms occupy the same continuum. Which isn't to say they don't - I'd just rather not think of it that way.
doesnt like pizza? this kid is obviously from another planet. and hence must be destroyed.
babe dont let those narcoleptics ruin your day. you are the most interesting person i know personally and i will personally hurt anyone who says otherwise.
Sheesh, what is the world coming to when kids think MEATBALLS are way better on pizza than just plain old pepperoni and cheese. Talk about the world being too hard on kids these days, they have way too many choices to make!!!
Smart man....I *dig* your solutions...[makes mental note to find out neighbor's phone number and find a job in England]
Ah, you poor, poor lady! You have a fussy eater. *sigh* There's gotta be some karmic recompence for that....
And, are you telling me that YOU are guilty of snoozing during phone conversations, my dear? *tsk, tsk*! I guess that's the hazard of these tranoceanic relationships where there are many time zones difference...
*high fives*
I will DEFINITELY buy your book...!
My Lever:
Oh, babe, I just like to tease you. :D I wasn't hurt....I was glad you got some sleep and it was fun to hear you snore. In fact I think I EVEN heard you drool! ;) And ya think the pizza MIGHT have been good, huh? *wink*
Groucho C./exotic boy:
LMAO. There's definitely a link between food and sex, but I agree--I'm not gonna read into it now, during pizza night...
I knew you'd stick up for me and kick some ass on my behalf. You're super-cool like that. *giggle + wink*
The worst part was that I never would have ordered those pizza ingredients, had BBB not requested them. We had an entire pizza minus a bite, leftover! *sigh*
Who, me? Sleep on the phone with my beloved? Never! (Well, maybe only a few times at 1am) he reckons that he knows it's time to hang up when the "Hmm" "oh, yeah, I know" and "riight" replies peter out. The time differences suck.
D is certainly a fussy boy. It's kind of embarrassing sometimes, especially when we're at someone's house. He's usually OK at buffet-style things tho' - he can find enough to eat, and not complain about everything. I hate it. I love food, and eating gives me great pleasure, as does feeding people, so when he doesn't eat, I take it personally...sigh...
LOL, yeah, shame BBB left so much huh?
You need to record that snore next time and I'll swap for the ones I have of you... hey, we could even post them on here :) And yeah, I *was* drooling... I was dreaming of you... :*
Hey Mummy/Crit, what's the time zone difference between you and your beloved?
hey Lever - at the moment mid-west US is 7 hours ahead (but yesterday) of east coast Aus. in the other permutation of daylight saving the diff is 9 can be good really...the 9 hour diff is when the falling asleep occurs, if I ring him just as I'm going to bed I can wake him up..or not, as the case may be...oooh, 'word verification' = 'ulfuq'
Aw, Mummy/Crit:
I SO feel your pain on the food issue. Noel's a star generally, but she'll go through periods where she won't eat a thing (after I've slaved away over a hot stove) and I'll feel lazy about cooking anything more, but guilty that she hasn't eaten. *sigh*
I AM LMAO at your phone-snoozing...
9-hours difference sounds torturous..
My Dearest Lever:
*I* would never fall asleep while you were speaking, dear. SO, I'm not sure how you would record *my* snores.
AND, and.....oh, c'mere so I can snog you...*huge grin*
if a kid won't eat pizza don't feel bad. I mean everyone eats pizza.
sorry about the noisy neighbors. You could always pretend to be directing them like in "the secret of my success". Noel hasn't asked what those noises are has she?
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