Sunday, May 28, 2006

HUGE shoutout.... the lovely blogger Rebekah (listed as "ultracool" over there on the side *wags head in that directon and winks*)

The lady just got hitched despite duress from other parts of her life.

She is an amazing lady; Erik is a lucky fellow.

Cheers to a long and happy one! *raises glass*


Lever said...

*raises a mug of coffee in a toast to their honour* :D

See what I did there, sweetie? ;)

rebekah said...

you guys are awesome and amazing and i love you, becky dear.

i will send photographs your way, and soon, i promise ...

thank you again for the massage, etc. soo sooo good. so good ...

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Big Ed:

My Lever:
*HUGE grin*

Rebekah Darling:
Aw, Babe-wish I coulda done have been part of your celebration would have been amazing...I just thought about you guys all day Saturday and a whole bunch before and after that, too.
I'm not giving up on hanging with you, though!! We will, we will, you'll see...