...I read your comment on my blog, I thought, "Oh, cool-a British dude."
...I read your blog, I thought "Dear god, is this the same language I speak?" Crisps, boot-of-a-car, bollocks, lorry, lilo, queue, banger racing, wedding tackle, titting-about, gaffs, baggies...good god—where's my urban dictionary?!? Of course, some of the confusion must have just been due to a broken "u" on the keyboard, because some of the words were spelled close to the proper spelling...cheque, manouevre, colour, honour, favour...but with an extra vowel tacked in there.
...I read your email I was school-girl happy. Mmmmm, a nice, clever, polite boy is emailing me...
...I got your text, I almost crashed my car, trying to find my phone and decrypt why it was making strange noises (I was not a texting-girl.) But the words made me squeal as I swerved down the highway, trying to read it...
...I heard your voice on my answering machine, I had the compulsion to practice saying your name over and over in your accent. (I still don't have it quite right.)
...We spoke on the phone, I could hardly understand what you were saying. Although, that was partly my fault for swooning over the sound of your voice—that sort of thing shuts down my brain function, including word comprehension. It was a v. short phone call. :D
...I laid eyes on you, I was nervous as f@%k and pretty damn tired to boot. Fortunately, you're cool about handling small talk without much reinforcement. ;)
...We hugged, I thought, "He's definitely my type of boy."
...We held hands, I was like a giggly school girl. It still sends me into wild bouts of uncontrollable happiness to think about it.
...You kissed my cheek, I was on some kind of high....
SO yeah, maybe next time we meet up, we can get to second base. (Second base was considered groping, right? It's been too long since middle school)...*wicked grin* You free to cross the Atlantic, babe? Soon, pahhleaze? *eye flutter*
Anyways, my sweetheart HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
6 years ago
I can attest to the practicing-of-the-name-in-the-foreign-accent bit. And it was disgusting ;) Happy Birthday Lever!
awww. cool post.
wish i knew somebody who fawned over me like that. :-P
Awww, so cute! Happy Birthday Lever! And if BBFK hasn't even let you get to second base you are one patient boy ;)
that is the sweetest thing ever ...
I don't know this Lever chap (yes, I used the word "chap") but when we went to Germany we hung out with some English mates staying there. She used the word "stodgy" a lot and he told us about getting hit in the "knackers" playing Cricket. That was the best.
way cute!
Nothing else to say is there! :-)
Aw baby, you're so cute, thankyou :)
As for this second base thing... I dunno why everyone's thinking it goes as far as groping - that's disgusting... how about we move from kissing you on the cheek to one of those fancy French kiss thingies? ;) I'll eat garlic and you can grow a mass of armpit hair... *laughing...*
OK, so that eyelid flutter thing... yeah go on then, you know I'm game ;) :) :D :*
I'll grant Planet Claire that there's no concept of "second base" in Britain. However, given that humans will find a way to make damn near anything dirty, I gotta believe they've got some kind of cricket-related sex metaphor.
Hope you're doing dandy.
- E
ooops, sorry! *giggle* Response time is a little slow right now...
Kat E:
Thanks, babe. I like to be disgusting sometimes...especially for you. ;)
Girl, ya threw me off with your name....but yes, we gotta get that sorted.
Hi! Nice to meet you, and thank you. *big grin*
Hey! He won't know if you don't tell him....shhhh! He thinks he's doing great... ;)
Ya know, when I see your user name, I always read it as "Be Thin Portland" *laughing....* Anyways, I'm glad you appreciate cool British-speak, like me. :)
*huge grin + laughing*
I dig you.
Aw, thanks. I have it in me sometimes...
*more grinning*
You know how it is....
(I would hit you on the shoulder if you were a couple of continents closer.)
My Lever:
*big grin*
but then...
*wrinkles nose* Babe, we may have to have a LITTLE talk about your ideas on romantic touches...
Planet Claire:
Extraordinarily good point. 'Course maybe I didn't really *want* Lever to understand...I am a girl, ya know. *wink*
Big Ed:
LMAO...you make it sound like a disease that I'll be cured of eventually...
Hey Grand MF!!!
(mother f@cker?!)
Thank you. And I need to check into the cricket-metaphor... And thanks for visiting my delinquent-ass site, E. Yes, I'm dandy...*huge grin*
LMAO a LITTLE talk huh? Come on then, show me the ropes girl...
Yes, its all a ploy--subliminal spam for my dieting business, "Be thin Portland." Glad to know it's working. Hah!
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