Saturday, February 04, 2006

If ignorance ISN'T bliss, then why shut off the lights before shagging?


Lever said...

Because your radiant beauty illuminates the dark my dear :p :p

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

*huge guffaws*.....


rebekah said...

oh look at lever being charming

tis a good question though, dear lady ... and the answer for me is: while i am beginning to not repulse myself seeing me naked, i'm still no supermodel.

so off the lights go

feel around.

everything will find its way eventually ...

:D happy weekend! i'm fucking working both days!

Brom said...

Ohhh, there's posh!!!

(#2 in a series of ??)

Kat E said...

Cellulite practically disappears under candlelight or lava-lamp illumination...

Hon Don Gerard said...

All cats are grey in the dark.

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

No wonder you're becoming thin as have no time to eat!! XOXO

LMAO. You're full of it. ANd you remind me of the SPice Girls. Ha!!

Kat E:
Darkness, the great equilizer...yes but see Don G's comment....

Don G.
YES! You are wise, my friend. ;)