Friday, November 12, 2004

My Pre-New Year's Resolution

So a review of my past blogging reveals that apparently my blog is the dumping ground for any bit of unhappiness that my mind musters. I mean, it's pretty sad...anyone that reads this site must think that I am a miserable, self-confidence-free chick. The reality is really less extreme. So in an effort to promote that spin (and we all know that perception=reality) I am going to try and write only when my words are fueled by happy stuff; we'll see what that produces. Hopefully it won't be boring. ;)
I plan on being in a food coma for the next couple weeks, so maybe that'll make for some happy posts. Or maybe that'll make for no posts at all because I'll be supine and low on inspiration to move off the couch. (Which may lead readers to assume the worst about my happiness level.)
And to support this bit of positivity, I'm providing a link with a ray of hope, although it may be foolhardy to invest too much hope.....

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