Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Current Reason Not To Have Fresh Blueberries in Cold Cereal....

.....You could die.
(Well, at least according to the resident expert, 3 yr old.)
No jokin' around there. No bother with a little, "I don't want it" or "We ate that yesterday, Mom." Nope, she went right in for the kill....no arguing with the ugly, tortured death induced by blueberries...


rebekah said...

:: snicker :: i use that same excuse when my mom tries to make meatloaf ... gosh i love that kid

Hon Don Gerard said...

Coincidentally, I was just having a discussion with somebody regarding my subconscious disdain for blueberries, no doubt stemming from those old Efferdent commercials where they bake a string of pearls into a blueberry pie.

I side with the tyke and lobby for a nice, sliced banana…mostly because it reminds me of Groucho, tho…

”Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.”

Lever said...

Jeez, for real? Tell me it isn't true ;) How about throwing some choc chips in there, I want an opinion on what those do to ya... LOL

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

*gets huffy* Aw, I see how it is...cheering for the kid giving trouble to her dear, sweet, mom. Trying to feed her kid anti-oxidants, and all. Fine. *turns and taps foot*

*protests* But blueberry pie is so lovely....!
Bananas WILL be tomorrows fare, though.

LMAO...and that last bit was a perfect combination of corny and nonsensical....lovin' it. :)


My Lever:
Well she is the EXPERT. ;)
ANd chocolate chips? Can't. I've consumed them all in a binge to try and compensate for lack of you.

Big Ed:
So no projectile puke on my soon-to-be 4 year old then? ;)

rebekah said...

oh c'mon. it's cute. gotta admit... perfectly melodramatic. you see? my kind of thinking exactly ... anti oxidants. try explaining THAT to a four year old. silly lady ... trix are for kids :D

Mummy/Crit said...

I'm with the kid on that one. Blueberries make my mouth itch. I reckon that anything having that property ought to be avoided....kiwifruit, eggplant (sad but true)

maybe that's why she's sick now? (some good 3 yo logic there)