Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy VD: Spend quality time with the one you adore...

Happy VD: Spend quality time with the one you adore...

Nothing like a nice view of Boston while cozied up to your favorite
plastic turkey. Even better, when you're reading together....
Happy Valentine's Day!


Jay said...

Aw, cozy plastic really puts it all into perspective, doesn't it?


Pooh said...

Becky.. My nerd score was a 25???? A wanna be neard?? That just sucks!!

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Ah Pooh (AKA?!), being nerdy is not necessarily where the party's at, yo. No mourning over that...

Gel said...

Hi BBF Saw your comments lately on Jay's site, so I'm here. Besides,I just had 2C the site of the woman behind thisname! Interesting VD perspective...Read your profile. Ilike Catch 22, science... But I took that nerd quiz on another site & came up (gasp) 93..My daughter choked, cuz I'm the artsy one... If you like photos, art, & misc stuff, come on by

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Wow, GEL, I'm all-kinds-of-impressed with your nerdness! I definitely need to stop by your sound interesting...

Gel said...

LOL, Betty- That nerd score just comes from having some brains &deciding which way to answer the quiz...*None* of my RL friends would describe me as, yes, but not "nerdy." However, once you strip off the WonderWoman Outfit and look deep inside... you'll see beyond the sentimental Photo and post you saw today. Yep, I'm a complex gal... Glad you stopped by!