Friday, February 18, 2005

I know I'll be itching before the end...

My blog has suffered from poison ivy dermatitis (well, at least my writing frequency has), and no *I'm sure* it's not contagious. Really you wouldn't want to read what I've been reading. The last sentence, that is still ringing in my ears, as well, read: "crusting plaque noted on the right breast." Come now, major eeeeehyew [Valley girl intonation]!

But I have gotten to delve into the wacky world of kook-medicine.
Check this out:
In Korea, in order to cure gastrointestinal upset or even just give an overall boost to your health, traditional folk medicine recommends ingesting lacquer. OK, so if that didn't just hit you over the head with YUCK!, let me spell it out for you. "Lacquer" is a substance used to coat wooden bowls (and other such objects) to give a shiny finish. If that didn't start your mouth buds watering, then let me just add that this tantalizing treat also contains the same substance that induces poison ivy rashes. Hmm, so you're thinking now *that's* an Excellant Idea. Why not just *eat* some plant juice that on average induces some nasty-itchy, flaming-red skin, complete with blisters when just a bit of it comes in contact with your skin. And if you were curious as to how this all goes down, it's with the aid of your favorite boiled animal: generally chicken, rabbit, or dog. For the strong of palate, the sap can also be mixed with raw egg white for consumption. If you're watching your weight, you can get your lacquer in other ways as well. Some also *inhale* the substance (which really just creates a new world of possibilities of pain and misery.) Props, for creativity're certainly thinking "outside the box." ("The box" being sanity, that is.)
And that's my report on bad medicine.
(And yes, these are published facts.)


Jay said...

I love published facts! And when I hit the login and publish butten, the fact that I love them will also be published!

I think maybe I'll pass on the lacquer because I can't even be convinced to eat beets.

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Yeah, when a person named "b. bumblefuck" has the sense to realize that something's a *bad* idea....

OldHorsetailSnake said...

I had to sign into your site when I saw the name bumblefuck. I used to be a goddamn bumble-dicking government dumb butt, so we are soul mates. Well, not, since I'm 74 and you're still a child. Anyway, fun looking at you, kid.