Have you ever tried dog food?
Come-on.............Own up!!
I did. I was probably around 8 years old at the time.
Now your turn...
Oh, and feel free to admit to the consumption of any other questionable substances. At first I was thinking of other pet foods, but why limit this confessional? ;)
On an unrelated note, my current favorite medical magazine, is now the Journal of Hand Therapy. I'm definitely ranked "13 year old boy" when it comes to maturity.
6 years ago
wow becky, the diversity of your posts are great but still one never knows where the next one will come from! ; )
never done pet food except for fish food but that is just spirulina. probably get more from an odwalla superfood!
i have eaten seasoned roasted grasshoppers from oaxaca, mexico though? does that count? they were salty and crrrunnnchy! goes great with limes...
I have not eaten dog food, yet. However I was working in a biochemistry lab one summer doing inventory and came across a squirt bottle full of a mysterious unlabelled clear liquid. I squirted some into the plam of my hand and took a taste...
and immediately wanted to cut my tongue off. To this day I don't knwo what it was. But I follow lab manual directions and warnings very carefully.
no, i can honestly say i have not ever tried dog food.
but i've read about you freaks - er, some people who have.
i have this thing with not being able to eat things that look or smell icky. i smell everything before it goes in my mouth ...
now you can take that statement in quite a few ways ... :)
but dog food? ick. you freaks.
oh yeah, and Keef, Nugget gets bits of those cat things in his nose constantly. but that's because he eats like a little hoggie ...
DOG FOOD? *coughs into tea and wipes residue off monitor...*
You ate dog food? *laughing* Oh dear Becky... *nods head*
No, never tried dog food, but have sampled dog biscuits... they're crunchier and bonier than cat biscuits, which are OK, but never had the *privelege* of sampling canine canned cordon bleurgh!
I did open a foil-sealed "single serving" tray of cat-food for my kitties once with my teeth, 'cos I was on the phone and in a hurry to get out... I accidentally got a taste of the jelly off of that and it was WELL salty... *tongue shrivels @ the memory*
So, no dear, *you* stick to doggie food, OK?
ew lever. gross. just keep feeding your kitty bottles of beer and you wont have that problem with cat jelly :)
When I was younger (i.e. in high school) my family had a sweet little black dog named Missy who refused to eat dog food. Instead, she would only eat what we ate. So I, in my brilliancy, thought that eating (crunchy) dogfood would make her think that was what we people ate. So I ate some. It tasted like ...it tasted like dog food I guess. No wonder she didn't like it!
Rebekah, I'll be rooting through thousands of photos for ya, Huey + Beer must be found!
Lucky Anna wasn't on the Chicken Vindaloo that night aye?
when i was, like, six or seven i ate a bullion (chicken broth) cube (thinking it was a kraft caramel)...blech.
re: ellen's marble story...
Glad to keep ya guessin' ;)
Fish food always smelled yucky. It's dehydrated bugs in flake form? eeeyyeewww!.....Props for consuming that!
And YES grasshoppers count.....eeeeeyyeww as well!
I never imagined what a dangerous woman you are! Good, god you could have DIED....
Well, I think some English breakfast food is close enough to puppy chow, that the Brits can get a gold star along with all us odd-ball, dog-food consuming Amercian types *wink + grin* Plus you get a extra-specail gold star for *snorting* anything.... ;)
Was she an "ex" at the time? Maybe she was trying to kill you...
Well, Ellen, dear, after that incident at such a young age, I'm sure your MOm, kept a strict eye on what you put in your mouth. ;)That's the only reason I can figure for never experimenting with a little dog food...here try some.... *pushes some your way* ;)
Oh, you're missing out on the fun, girl!! *laughs* You advised your family AGAINST dog food...*shakes head*
I'm assuming that means I've left you just about wordless?
*croons* Aw, Rebekah, dear...are ya all grossed out, now? Did your nose wrinkle up? How cute..... *grin*
My Lever:
Well, dear. Here's the full-on truth. It was actually a dog *biscuit* that I took a wee bite of. None of that nasty wet stuff.
And 'course your tongue shiveled with wet cat-food. *laughing....* Hopefully it's all better now, though.
I will openly admit now that I've consumed a live tadpole on a dare. 'Course I think I already mentioned this before...so this is a little reminder, then. ;)
SOlid try woman! I try that technique all the time with my daughter and always fail miserably, too...
*impressed at the committed, concerned pet owner*
I guess that was a way of learning about disappointment early in life. I think Harry Potter's Bertie bott's beans are good for that too. They have jelly bean look-a-likes that can wreck your world. For example the puke flavor looks alot like the blueberry flavor, I think. Get it wrong just once, and you're done, believe me...
Ooo, I just looked and they have 2 new flavors: bacon and rotten egg. Dear god, that's wrong.
Does milk bones count. I mean dogs really really love them so I had to see what the excitment was about. I also have tried cat food.
my nose has sufficiently crinkled.
you are all freaks.
Ellen: My idle speculation on this question is the following - what kinds of activities do teenage boys engage in that might result in a need for hand therapy if done too frequently?
OK, OK. Here's some insight into my dirty, twisted mind, Ell. Ergo, yes, you could go with that angle, but I was thinking more along the lines of an interpretive take on what's included in "therapy." So I was thinking..."relief administered by the hand," ...like a regular publication on this topic with serious articles. In other news, the oldest dildo ever was discovered in a cave in Germany. Really. Lookee here.....
Yeah, nice article, but it says It may also have been used to knap, or split, flints... Now what bloke on this earth could do that with his todger? SO, what's it to be... dildo / butt plug or masonry utensil?
Anyway, I thought we were talking about dog food...??? :S *laughing*
De-lurking here :)
I have tried it 3 times, all as a 7 year old. You can imagine the impression it left on me if I can remember it 38 YEARS LATER!
Trial #1: basic crunchy dry dogfood. Blech.
Trial #2: Gravy Train dog food--the dry food to which you add water to make "gravy." Yeah. "Gravy" is a loosely used term in DogLand.
Trial #3: Rival canned dog food. This was a bunch of little "meatballs" in "gravy." DEFINITELY not like Momma used to make. Shudder.
I was tempted to try Gaines Burgers, which looked like little patties of raw ground beef wrapped in cellophane. The smell was OK, but I was deterred by my previous taste-testing experiences. Barely. LOL
Once when I was visiting my grandmother in Germany(again when I was 7), another kid tried to convince me that goat poop was really chocolate covered coffee beans. HAH--good thing I wasn't into coffee yet. Besides, he'd forgotten that I'd SEEN where those "beans" had come from :P
My Lever:
You have me LMAO, as always....
Michele in M:
Thorough woman! Thanks for stopping by and contributing answers to my silly musings..... ;)
I wouldn't pretend that my mind is straightforward or easy to deconvolute. No worries, lovely lady.... *big smile*
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