Let me just start by saying that I'm happy. I had an amazing time away from work for most of last week, and I'm in love in a way that I thought was only possible for highschoolers (not jaded 30-somethings). I've had several publications come out or be accepted for publication in the last 3 weeks, and had quality time with my siblings for several days. (Yes I am aware that I'm supposed to dislike that; I never said that I'm not strange.)
But I still *don't* like it when......
In quick succession, I arrive home and sift through my mail to find an exorbitant bank fee and a credit card bill that is growing faster than the dandelions in my yard. Then, the doorbell rings to reveal a young man trying to foist some educational books off on me, for his internship which he describes as a "personal growth experience", directly followed by the next door lady handing me a catalogue of candle knick-knacks she's trying to sell (complete with the guilt trip that she faithfully watches my daughter when I need her to). Swallow *that* within a 10 minute period. It was a hard pill...need I spell it out? *I'm f*cking poor, people! I'm a single Mom living in an expensive town. I skimp on things like paying for TV service, for gods sake!* On a happy note, the DVD player that was also broken by a not-to-be-named-sweetie-pie-3-year-old within that same 10 minute time period, was disassembled and put into working order by lil' ole' me, tonight. *sigh of relief* I was about to chalk it up to 2 downed DVD players in one year (she managed to take out the portable one a couple months ago.)
Then this morning, while I was escorting the very big, hairy, black spider out of my house that Noel pointed out (imagine a yell: "Mom! There's an ant!!!"...Ok, she at least got the insect part right) my fire alarm went off. I mean WTF! I wasn't even cooking anything, much less lighting fires....
The last clustering to report weighs heavier than the others, but is way less fun to write about. Just the typical overburdened writer-girl scenario. I've gotten loaded up with too many manuscripts that have the same deadline, concurrent with other little projects that manage to usurp way more time than you'd think possible. See I'm drooling just writing about it. I need to stop before I get everyone's keyboards wet... ;)
Yeah, and stop I will. I can’t BELIEVE I’m forsaking quality time with my Harry Potter book for blogging! That's a change in priorities that I never would have predicted. I definitely need blog-a-holics anonymous, it’s confirmed.
6 years ago
Yeah, welcome back, BBFK. Wow, sounds like you had a good week off, girl, you must tell us all about it sometime LOL *teasing grin* ;)
Bills suck... I haven't dared look at mine since I got back... but then it all pales into insignificance when compared to a 130K mortgage... *gulp* Ah well... *laughs it off*
You wanna throw a manuscript in my direction, huh? No guarantees it'll be accurate but it could be fun... ;)
Well on the positive side least we are both so pore we won't be making each other eat at expensive restaurants when I come to visit. How does a week of Mac and Cheese and Raman sound? ;)
Re: Levers comment..
Bills suck? Yeah I suppose if you are a duck with really bad gum disease.
Welcome back... we all played nicely while you were away enjoying yourself(es).. now could you do a bit of tidying up and you should see the pile of dishes in the kitchen.
ha ha ha! oh that Brom :) what a card :P
bills, ants, and purchasing things from people are bad. all bad.
but you got a week to play.
and love, love is ... oh so confusing and weird ... but i like it :) feeling like a high schooler at any age is nice. if youre happy, i'm happy :)
Well, you could always try just not paying the bills.
Actually, I really wish that we still had those bankruptcy prisons, where you went if youdidn't pay your bills. They actually sound pretty nice compared to some of hte places I've seen that people call "home", with meals and visitation...you just sit and cool your heals until you can convince some rich relative to come free you.
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