Saturday, July 23, 2005

Takin' the piss out Ten Classic Moments with Lever

1.) Arriving in London to find him waiting for me with a "blogger" shirt on and a dozen pink roses in his hand.
2.) Texting me while bike riding in a forest and sending me a *woody kiss.* (his words)
3.) Making out with me on a mostly empty train ride in NYC. (New Yorkers can handle a little steamy-ness.)
4.) Every time he says *just* what I was about to say.
5.) Attempting to lay a kiss on my Mom's cheek and landing on her lips instead.
6.) Farting on my hand while we're saying goodbye in the airport parking lot of the JFK airport.
7.) Making out in the rain in the middle of a (not busy) street in Bath. He got soaked, as he'd loaned the foolish American-in-England his parka.
8.) Every time random people strike up conversations with us. This happens regularly in the BBFK/Lever world.
9.) Giving (correct) directions to 3 different, inquiring people in NYC, having been in the country a full 5 hours.
10.) Falling asleep while conversing with me on the phone last night. And *yes* he snores.

K. Gotta pack up. I'm off to wreak on Long Island. Be back soon. *kiss* Play amongst yourselves...


rebekah said...

so he farts AND snores, eh? that's a keeper right there ...

i know, i know. lame. i'll make fun of him later ... i'm kind of munching on a wonka bar right now and my brain cannot be otherwise engaged ...

but uh, awwww :) so cute. like kittens, really, you two ...

Lever said...

Now come on, BBFK, you *know* that it was more of a case of hand-to-fart rather than fart-to-hand? You do play football right? *winks*

Thx fishlamp, I can handle sweet :) But being called a kitten, Rebekah? Now that's something new... I'll let you know once I've finished mulling over that one... *clicks and whirs*

rebekah said...

you like it. dont even pretend you dont :)

Lever said...


Jay said...

Well my dear, it must be love. It would be inexcusable were it anything else!

rebekah said...

so how WAS long island?? i've never been there ... are there monkeys ?? you know what i did this weekend ?? i attached a fake furry mustache to the rearview mirror of the car ... everytime i check my reflection, i've got a 'stache ...

it's fun you should try it ...

or just go on with your bad self, having a life, and stuff, you know ...

Lever said...

Rebekah with a moustachio? :O

I had a real one once, only becuase I couldn't shave my top lip with stitches in it...