OK, just to be thorough, I thought I'd give you the final report for the day. I *did* in fact, accomplish what I had set out to do. 'Course now is the time that I sheepishly admit that I fell asleep during the conference call (see previous post). That's right. That call with 5 medical doctors, a client, and 2 co-workers scheduled from 8:30 to 10:30pm. I walked Noel 2 godzillion times (and yes that is an accurate count) around the loop on my street in order to keep her entertained and induce sleep, while on my cell listening in on the conference. Well, at the 2 godzillionth lap minus one, I decided I needed to stop. And no, Noel's eyes were still not *even* droopy. So I gently placed the phone on the counter, put Noel in bed, gently picked up the phone again, and laid in bed with her. That was the last thing that I remembered. I woke up at 10:34pm to a dead phone. I guess the batteries went...hopefully *before* I started snoring. Can't wait to suss out if they noticed anything odd during the call, tomorrow...
I didn't let it end there. Once I was conscience enough, I decided that some gluing was in order. You see, my sis-my beautiful, wonderful little sister-is getting married on Saturday and I'm in charge of making the veil. But man, being a perfectionist, gluing trim to veil material can really make you sweat (especially when it's 2000 degrees in my apartment already....do you like how scientific I am with my numbers tonight? No units, no sig figs...) So there I was half-naked gluing...do you remember those shirts that were "naked" versions of all different sports? I think naked gluing could be the new rage, aye?
6 years ago
Oh so thats why there are pauses when I call you. You're asleep. Just kidding. Lots of love.
Naked gluing, a new form of bedroom activity.. careful tho' .. you could get attached to somone.
The previous post.. did it just come unattached by itself or did you faucet?
i do lots of things naked. sleeping, painting, cooking, bathing even. i'm a nudist in training, i like to say.
hehehehehehe. you snore during conference calls. i laugh at your misfortune !!!
you can make stuff like that btw? if i ever get married will you make my veil for me ? i like crafty things and such, but stuff that is sewing related frightens me to the core. so i am impressed by you, lady. continually :)
Naked craft night would certainly get a better turn out than stitch and bitch.
I imagine that: sleeping on the conference call, the bunny slipper conference call, the shooting up heroin conference call, naughty silent behavior during conference call, and the haven't combed my hair yet conference call are all compelling reasons that the videophone hasn't really caught on.
lol at Keeeeefer :)
You are very dedicated - I think your sister should count herself lucky to get a clump of toilet paper stuck to a dollar store headband in this heat wave.
And so, did I fail to notice, or is there still water gushing at your ceiling at this very moment?
...given the catastrophes which have befallen me while glue fully clothed i am going to stick with playing baseball...
Whoa. I do remember those shirts. They banned them from my highschool along with the big johnson ones.
Oh, and i'm naked right now :D
:: keeps eyes wide open at rahX ::
i uh enjoy nudity ...
did you and Lever run off? is that why neither of you have been around?
come on dammit.
i need sunday entertainment.
:: taps fingers impatiently ::
i miss you ::bats eyelashes::
oops. that last comment was me :)
AS I hinted over at "Blue Skies" I think that these two have some catching up to do... maybe they'll post pictures????!!!!
But no snoring....right? (I still haven't got the confirmation that I didn't snore on the conference call. They recorded the call, though, so I'll find out soon....)
LMAO, *again*.
Yeah, I don't want to get stuck...
*bows* Thank you, kind lady, I will certainly make you a veil when the time comes, in exchange for being on your guest-list and maybe some of those biscuits and gravy, aye?
And, I wasn't just being coy, I really, wasn't near a computer for last week. I'll report on the adventures once the dust settles at work, K? (Maybe later today...) But I did miss you too and your sexy eyelash moves... *smirk*
Yeah, but transatlantic relationships could *really* use the videophone for those same listed reasons...well, mostly the naughty behavior part. *wicked grin*
AH, craft night. I think I'd really like the types that would want to do "group naked" and "stitching with needles and hooks". It certainly takes a rare, special breed of girl...*strong whisper*: dangerous!
*on the floor, laughing....* Huh, maybe that's why Noel was telling me her views on the current issues in pain medication the next day. I'm sure she fielded the questions better than I....
I had a plumber from England remedy the fountain in the kitchen, so no worries there *big wink*
Oh man! What I *should* have done is make a decoy toilet paper hat as a gag; 'cept I barely had enough time to get the real one together and on her head...
Johnny crash:
Always appreciate the reinforcement: I will now continue my naked gluing streak....*sticks out chin, shimmies out of clothes, and locates glue stick*
Ok, Ok. Solid point. I'll make sure the glue isn't the cement, permanent kind....
LMAO...glad that you remembered that shirt trend AND thanks for the report ..........................................still LMAO....
And Brom:
Thanks for taking care of things while we were away!
I don't want anyone to think that we were purposefully neglecting them....oooooo, I missed everyone.....*sappy moment*
aww big hugs. i do expect a full report later. i'm grading you :D
yours is the first name at the top of my guest list. i'll make you all the biscuits and gravy you want. i will make you very fat. just ask and it shall be done
:: bows ::
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