Friday, April 15, 2005

Sometimes it's hard to decide what to wear.

Sometimes it's hard to decide what to wear.


shinanos said...

Mmm... Beck! What a lovely girl of your own!!! I wanna play with her!
Just received yr email, glad to know my card reached: Great :)

Mummy/Crit said...

Boy, do we ever have days like that sometimes too (and that's just me I'm referring to!) The 4 year old wore one sandal and one (pink) gumboot all day on Wednesday. It was easier to let him, than have the argument about why it's not a good idea not to.

arthur decko said...

the shoes make the whole outfit...

Jay said...

Now that's an outfit! What's the special occasion?

Lever said...

LOL the apple of your eye makes your mind up for you...

"Hey mom, wear these"

So Becky, did you look great in that same outfit? Dig the gloves :D

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

This lovely ensemble can be seen nearly every morning, but don't be fooled- not just any young lady can make it look this good. The Mom, for example, does not look nearly as stunning when dolled up in this manner, bed-hair and all.