Monday, May 02, 2005

Baby, you don't know where it's been.

Stepping onto the street of NYC, the first words escaping my lips were: "Don't trip on the trash, Noel" causing a ripple of laughter through my little posse. Don't get me wrong, NYC is lovely, but not in a let-me-put-my-arms-around-it and rub-my-body- all-over-it kind of way. (Not that I really do that to anything, mind you. That was just an EXAMPLE.)
So we hit the town. Although, that's mostly a lie. I think it was less town and more *subway* system that we *hit*, really. We spent upwards of 3 hours just getting our bodies to our destination. Just one way. NYC foiled us subway novices by hosting a walk/run/save-your-favorite-organ charity event between 59th and 125th, shutting down all local subway uptown travel. That meant we had to bypass where we *really* wanted to get off by many stops and then come back around. I think we transferred cars at least 4 times, with the longest ride being in the overpowering pee-perfumed car with the suspicious wet-drippy seat. It was pretty amusing watching new arrivals get their first whiff of the stench, because by then I had mostly acclimated. In fact, by the end, I could hardly tell that the car was a stench-fest. It did, however, remind me of my last NYC trip. We were on the train when I had to break out the good ole' parental, "Noel, don't touch the condom-balloon."


Lever said...

Mmmm nice LOL

Well at least it was just p

If the carriage had smelt of s, the other p or there'd been the other s on the seat...

*shudders at the thought*

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Keeefer: Yes, Noel was spoilt and now slightly cranky that she's left just with her boring (blogging) Mom, again. ;)
LOL Yes, and see the sage advice that can be gained here? ;)

Lever: Ah, yes. Somehow human dirt is so much yuckier than other dirt. I'd rather get dirty out in the woods any day then be near all those lovely possibilities that you've brought up... ;)

Johnny crash: Well, we have the opposite travel problems. ;)
And acclimation? It's good, but it's not like pee starts smelling like *chocolate* or something. Now that would be something worth congratulations. Acclimation happens with sounds, too, BTW.

arthur decko said...

the cool thin about NYC is the subway runs 24 hours, all night fun....

shinanos said...

:D ...Like Tokyo or other exciting cities, Becky!

Mummy/Crit said...

I'm waiting for my fun NYC experience to happen. I've tried it twice and can't seem to get into it....except for the park and the museums. Chicago now, that is a different story altogether.

Jay said...

In the tiny "village" where I grew up (population 150, therefore 4% my family), there were no transit systems. We couldn't even cabs to come out there, not even pizza delivery guys! When we would go into the "city" (pop 30 000!) to visit my grandparents, it was a different experience altogether. I took the bus once, with my Nanny when I was 3 to have my ears pierced (obviously quite a memory).
When I moved to a bigger city for schoool (pop 1 million!) I refused to take the bus. I'd heard bad things about mass transit. I walked everywhere, until I got my pedestrian ass hit by a car and ended up on crutches relying on the damn bus system.

First time on the bus...did it kill me? No. But I did have my first encounter with frotteurism (translation: people who get off by rubbing themselves on unsuspecting innocents).
Ah, the lessons you learn riding public transportation.

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Um, (not one to beat around the bush) what happened to your blog?

Yeah, didn't make it to Tokyo on my Japan visit...

Chicago is lovely, but in a completely different way than NYC. In NYC you can hoof it around EVERYWHERE (and I *love* to walk, so this is a major attraction), whereas Chicago is completely spread out. Can't beat Chi-town's Natural History museum, Museum of Art, or Planetarium-though. I still think my vote may be with NYC, though...

Ah, you get hit by moving vehicles, too aye? Your adventure sounded pretty heavy. And solid work with the 15 point scrabble word, there. It almost sounded like a good thing-until you defined it. ;)