Friday, May 06, 2005

The Shina-esque Post

The Shina-esque Post

Flowering trees? Check.


Unknown said...

Eating Cherry Blossoms
— Christine Boyka Kluge

After eating the sweetest blossoms,
your flesh blushes to flamingo rose.
You absorb dusk's pink vertigo,
the swirled clouds
siphoned like sustenance.
Droplets of blood
pool at your fingertips,
now like the waxwing's
matchstick wingtips,
beckoning flame.
As darkness falls,
the flock settles
among the beak-torn petals.
Fire flickers
at the edge of your feathers.
Cherries ripen,
crimson lanterns gleaming,
in the infinite orchard
of your mind.

BeckyBumbleFuck said...
