Sunday, May 29, 2005

I loves me some travel

I loves me some travel

I'm flying off into the sunset, in search of blue skies...

I will see your sweet words upon my return, blogland boys and girls.
Don't wait up for me. ;)


Jay said...

Oooh, happy fun times! Enjoy!

Mummy/Crit said...

Good luck, and have a ball!

Unknown said...

oh wheres oh wheres has our bbfk gone?

Kat E said...

we can't wait for the stories...

Brom said...

"In search of "Blue Skies"??.. hmmm this has me wondering??? a clue maybe????

Mummy/Crit said...

Brom-man....i have been wondering this too, since Blue Skies man has been MIA for a similar amount of time...spill the beans you two!! Or at least put us out of our busybody misery!

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

LMAO at you guys!! You all *completely* rock. Your concerns and well-wishes and detective work has made me all warm and fuzzy!

....I went to England: London, Oxford, and Bath.
How was it?
....I had an absolute blast.
With whom?
....Yes, with Lever. You've sussed it out (huge gold stars to Brom-man and mummy/crit) So it wasn't all just unfounded gossip *laughing...*