Monday, January 31, 2005

Mid-day snack

The fire alarm just stopped blaring. That was a good little time. Instead of scoping out all the boys, as my friend suggested (while the girls around us lamented that had they *known* about the fire drill, they would have dressed-up and fixed their hair), I entered a reverie about my grade-school days. I began pondering how easily I was manipulated as a little girl. I remembered getting into trouble for lifting up my skirt to prove that I had my gym shorts on...of course incited by a boy. I'm sure that's *exactly* what he'd been hoping for...

It's good to see that things haven't changed, though. Just like in college, us 30-year-olds stood outside the building today and stared wide-eyed at everyone else thinking, "My he's cute....I didn't know that SHE worked here...Oh, god, that's a terrible outfit...Isn't so-in-so still in the building? How come we have to freeze our asses while they're still all toasty?....and lastly, How can I possibly manipulate this so that I don't have to hand in my assignment/do any work today?"
But it was fleeting. Less than 10 minutes later they let us back into the building that now smelled of unidentified-burning-object. Given the rumors of the elevator going afoul, I think I'll take the stairs.

1 comment:

Jay said...

Oh lord. Please do take the stairs!