Monday, January 10, 2005

New spin please

Today my eyes wore the filter of a bleak future. Maybe it was the 47 year old man that hit on me, or the fact that despite my meticulously balanced checking account which has a balance that agrees with online information, I still keep getting denied every time I try to use my debit card. It just gets embarrassing after awhile, although I'm sure the same situation has happened to just about everyone at some point (unjustified denial of funds!!! bastards.) Or, the reason is probably more straightforward: the fact that I'm hating my job right now because I feel like I'm being monitored constantly, while under pressure to finish a project that is being rushed without real cause (other than the reason that everything should be rushed...because it's better done sooner than later.) Oh, and the double standard that happens at work as well; some people roll in in taking their own damn time, while others are chastised for tardiness. Hmmm, and is that it? Well, not really. There's the significant loss of my closest friend in CT; he's moving tommorrow or the next day. 2005, you owe me.


Jay said...

Poor, poor Becky. Times are tough. I too have been denied my money via dumb debit cards... I mean, it's your money, how dare the bank not allow you access to it? It seems immoral or something.

Hope that either 2005 starts treating you better, or that you get some sort of money back guarantee.

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Girl, I've seen your woes, between strawberry daiquiris getting out of hand and sisters from hell (you know, secretly, I think that she's jealous of you and your life. YOU have things figured out and do cool stuff; she on the other hand has tumultuous relationships and unreliable boyfriends) And I'll post here and now that I'm jealous of you, too. I wish I were living in Canada, most days. Anyways, thanks for reading; thanks for commenting; rock on.